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“Action Solitude France” is a newly-formed association governed by the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901, with provisional headquarters in Saint-Privat-de-Champclos. It is co-chaired by Jean-Claude Artonne, who has publicly addressed the problems of loneliness in TEDx talks and invested in several startups dedicated to fostering socialization, and by Stanislas de Quercize, who is, among other things, Chairman of the Fond de dotation Amour Durable, whose mission is to promote and support projects aimed in particular at consolidating the family fabric.

The values defended are benevolence, solidarity and fraternity.

Its main mission is to help make the world a welcoming place, whatever our personality, more today than yesterday but less than tomorrow, where love, in the broadest sense, and the power of social ties will finally be a driving force for human progress and social peace.

In more detail, the initial missions of Action Solitudes are (a) to make the public, institutions and health organizations aware of the economic, societal and public health consequences of the global pandemic of loneliness; (b) to ensure that the government creates and maintains an entity in charge of this problem, such as a Ministry or State Secretariat dedicated to Loneliness, and to campaign for popular support while ensuring that it remains apolitical; (c) to monitor the activity of this government entity as well as any institutional bodies that may be created at local level as a result; (d) to monitor and qualify the various actions, initiatives and offers from the public, charitable and private sectors which target the problem of social isolation and offer solutions; (e) to inform its members and the general public of its activities and draw up a curative selection of the various initiatives at both national and international level; (f) to organize regular events such as symposia; (g) to collaborate with other national or international organizations that share all or part of the stated mission; and (h) to organize paid activities or fund-raising events to finance its operational running, or to support specific actions that fall within the scope of the mission as defined above.

letter to the government