Politique de confidentialité
Action Solitude France

Last updated: 04/07/2024

1. General Information

Name of the association: Action Solitude France
Address: 81 rue les Taulelles, 30430 St Privat de Champclos
Email address: contact@actionsolitude.fr

Board contact details:

  • Stanislas de Quercize: Co-President
  • Jean-Claude Artonne: Co-President
  • Alain Patela: Treasurer
  • Noa Dorian: Secretary
  • Aida Diop: Executive Manager
  • Jean-Sébastien Artonne: Web Manager

2. Collection of Personal Data

We collect the following personal data via our petition forms and questionnaires:

  • Mandatory information: First name, last name, email address, consent to join the association for free.
  • Optional information: Responses to our questionnaire; these data will be anonymized if published as statistics.
  • Testimonials: We may invite you to provide a written, audio, or video testimonial. The right to distribute will be explicitly requested.

No financial information is stored or recorded by our site. For donations, we use third-party solutions such as Stripe.

3. Methods of Collection

Data is collected via signature forms for our petitions and saved as secure CSV files.
Users can request to withdraw their participation from our petitions or questionnaires at any time by contacting contact@actionsolitude.fr.
Testimonials may not be withdrawn during the campaign, but will be deleted three business days after its conclusion.

4. Use of Data

  • Membership management: Members will receive information about the progress of the association’s projects, events, etc.
  • Communication: Members will be informed via our newsletter and may be invited to participate in future events.

5. Data Sharing

Data is not shared with anyone and any media coverage will be in the form of anonymized statistics.
Cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the site will be used with your consent, which can be modified at any time.

6. Data Retention Period

Cookies are stored for a maximum of six months.
Data from questionnaires and petitions are retained internally after the end of the campaign and can be deleted upon request.

7. User Rights

  • Access and rectification: You can access your personal data and rectify it by contacting contact@actionsolitude.fr.
  • Erasure: You can request the deletion of your personal data, which will be done within 30 working days.

8. Data Security

We take appropriate measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized use, loss, or disclosure.

9. Updates to the Privacy Policy

This privacy policy may be updated from time to time. The date of the last update is indicated at the top of this page. Users will be informed of changes via our website.

For any questions or requests for additional information, please contact contact@actionsolitude.fr.